Sunday, February 28, 2010

TriFi Business System

Here is what I have so far on my TriFi Business System.

and business cards (employee picks one):



Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sachi Original Photo

Here is the original photo cropped to the size of the illustration:
I decided to make him happier looking in the illustration.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sachi!! Quit Scratching!!

I finished (for now) my scratchboard illustration of my dog Sachi:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Website Look

Here is what I have so far for my website's look as seen in Google Chrome. Click on images below to see them in close to actual size.

This is what it will look like on my computer and 76% of users (1680 by 1050 pixels):

This is what it will look like on a computer with a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels (20% of users):

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thank You

a couple of thank you cards:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Passive Aggressive Notes

I want to be clear, these are not directed at my roommate Zachariah. The assignment was to create a series of three or more. I chose to create notes that one would give to a lazy roommate. Here are two of them.

"Your milk went bad again BUT There is still plentty of my food for you to mooch off of in the refrigerator."

"I know that you've been super busy playing your video games all day long BUT perhaps you could take a short break to clean up some of your dishes in the sink."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Scratch Board

This is another illustration project. This time using scratch board. The board starts out black and as you scratch away the black, white is uncovered. This is my practice version of my dog Sachi.

I find it looks best when squinting at it from a distance or at an angle. Or with your eyes closed imagining that it's good.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


This is a stipple illustration I'm working on for my Illustration for Graphic Design class.
The final project is to turn it into a greeting card of some sort. Any ideas?

Friday, February 12, 2010


I am redesigning SYFY's logo for a school project. SYFY is the new name of the Sci Fi channel as of last July. As part of my redesign I will be once again changing the name of the company. It needs to be something that can be trade marked (their reason for changing to syfy in the first place) and needs to incorporate the three genres that the network has committed to, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
I've narrowed it down to a couple. I would love feedback on these as well as any other ideas you might have. My instructor is totally OK with us running with other people's ideas so don't hold back.

Fi Net
Fi Net stands for fiction network. It could be done in a number of ways; Fi Net, fi-net, finet, FiNet, FiNET, etc.

Tri Fi
Tri Fi represents the three genres and fiction. Again it could be dealt with in a number of ways; Tri Fi, TriFi, tri-fi, TRIfi, etc.

Tri Net
A combonation of the two. Sound too much like Trimet?

Let me know what you think or give me more ideas.

R.I.P Giget

After a short four and a half months my tiny, 16 gig flash drive, dubbed Giget, has moved on. Without so much as a two week notice, Giget left me with all my files from this term. I went straight to my backup to find that the files within were corrupted. Fortunately, I've been keeping another backup in the trash can at school, so I was able to recover most of the lost data..

New Blog

I just set up this blog as a place to vent and display my work in progress. I haven't had time to design it yet but I will get to that one of these days. I'll get a banner put up and an overall look that matches my personal identity system. Please leave me comments and feedback on my work in progress. That would be much appreciated. Also be sure to bookmark my digital portfolio website, which doesn't have anything on it yet. I'm working on that too.